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Having an effective website is a crucial factor for most businesses to consider. This is because the website forms the basis for digital marketing to establish an online presence. However, just because you ended up creating a website for your business, it does not mean digital sales are guaranteed. There is a lot of work that goes into making your website as effective as possible.

One way you can promote your website better is through SEO optimization. SEO optimization is essentially the process of making your website as search-engine-friendly as possible to ensure you get as high a search ranking as possible. This can be used by any company, such as SEO for lawyers or any SEO services. In this article, we will look at 4 SEO optimization strategies that can help promote your website.

1. Improve User Experience

You will more than likely be familiar with how Google or any other search engine you use works. Essentially, the goal of any search engine is to provide meaningful results to its users to answer or satisfy their intent. Therefore, one crucial thing that Google prioritizes is the user experience or UX. After all, if you have a poorly optimized website with outdated features and poor loading, it is more than likely that users will leave your site and move on to another one. This will likely affect your search rankings. Therefore, you should work on improving the user experience of your website.

Here are some ways you can improve the user experience:

  • Make posts easy to read
  • Write quality and relevant content
  • Use short paragraphs to improve readability
  • Mix your sentence lengths
  • Make use of efficient Java and HTML code
  • Increase website speed
  • Enable compression

2. Prioritize Mobile Optimization

Many companies focus on creating a website to represent them, but they often fail to optimize them for mobiles. What they fail to realize is that the world is rapidly heading towards a majority phone usage. This is primarily due to the extensive popularity of smartphones. In addition, many people prefer making purchases on their smartphones as it allows them to do with a few simple clicks.

People also prefer using social media on their phones, where many companies tend to focus their ads. Consider a scenario where a customer finds an ad for your website and clicks on it on their social media timeline. If the websites fail to load slowly, do you think they will stay? As you can see, mobile optimization is quite essential. We recommend you focus on mobile development first as this is a strategy that even Google themselves recommends. This means your website will get a higher ranking which will help promote your site. Additionally, with mobile, you can make use of AMP pages that can help load pages faster.

3. Write Something Better Than Your Competitor

If you’re struggling to get your content ranked higher even after extensive research, there is another strategy that you can make use of. In this strategy, you search up the keywords you are competing for and analyze the content that your competitors have written. You then write something based on the exact topic but do so better or add a twist to it. In this way, you can write great content that helps you stand out from others which can help raise your search result rankings. And you don’t need to worry; this way is entirely legal and comes under white hat practice SEO practices. Just make sure you don’t blatantly copy the content, as that will likely come under plagiarism. You are only looking at your competitors’ content for inspiration, not to cheat.

4. Take Advantage of Broken Links

Another clever strategy you can implement is to take advantage of broken links on authoritative websites. You may be wondering, how exactly does this help? One ranking factor used by search engines is having internal links to relevant authoritative websites. A backlink is a link that leads from another website to your website. So, the more backlinks you have, the better it will be for your website. Therefore, you should look out for broken links on websites that link companies related to yours. Perhaps the company has gone out of business? It doesn’t matter. As long as the link is broken, that’s all you need.

Once you have identified this link, you should contact the website owner and inform them about it. You can then pitch your link to them as they can then fix and improve their article. On the other hand, you end up getting a quality backlink. Everyone wins essentially, and most importantly, it will help promote your website.

To sum up

SEO optimization is an excellent way for companies to promote their websites and increase their CTR. This is, as long as they make use of effective SEO strategies. We have discussed some of these strategies in this article which can more than likely help your website. We hope you make sure of them and wish you luck with your future endeavors.