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Flip Animation by GSAP

Flip Animation by GSAP

I liked this animation, can be a part of the hero section somewhere. So saving it. See the Pen Flip for GSAP by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen.
Layered Pinning Sections – ScrollTrigger

Layered Pinning Sections – ScrollTrigger

Here is a simple example of layered pinning of each section on a scroll. Layered Pinning From Top See the Pen Jump to section with layering – ScrollTrigger by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen. Layered Pinning From Bottom See the Pen Layered Pinning From...
Animation using MorphSVGPlugin – GSAP

Animation using MorphSVGPlugin – GSAP

Just saw this nice animation using the morph SVG GSAP plugin. So trying to fork and save it in my collection. DEMO See the Pen MorphSVGPlugin from GreenSock by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen.

GSAP starter JS for landing page

Here is the JS code for the starter JS for the landing page, it includes a header stick on scroll, replace image with SVG, fade-in animation, number animation, parallax animation functions, and much more. Vendors: libraries required <!– Bootstrap CSS...