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Concentric Doughnut Chart with Chart.js

Concentric Doughnut Chart with Chart.js

Check the following DEMO and modify it according to your needs. DEMO See the Pen Polar Chart with Chart.js by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen. HTML <div class=”donutPieChart”> <canvas id=”myChart”></canvas>...
Sticky Sidebar

Sticky Sidebar

Javascript function to make the sidebar sticky to the bottom if the content length is more than the sidebar. Also, check the demo for the same. DEMO See the Pen Sticky Sidebar by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen. JavaScript let vw =...
Animating element inside SVG over a path using CSS

Animating element inside SVG over a path using CSS

You can easily create a path over the surface using Figma or similar software. First you will need to give the animating object some id or class then place it to the top left position of the SVG using the transform: translated() method and apply the following CSS...