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Can I select a component inside .glb model in three js?

Yes, you can select components inside a GLB (GLTF) model in Three.js. Here’s an example of how to load a GLB model and select a component inside it: 1. Load the GLB model: const loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader(); loader.load(“model.glb”, function(gltf)...
What is Freelancing?

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is a self-employed work style where individuals offer their services to clients on a project or contract basis, rather than working as a regular employee for a single employer. Freelancers typically work remotely or on a flexible schedule and are often...
How to use animation in three js?

How to use animation in three js?

Animation in Three.js is achieved by modifying the properties of objects in the scene over time. This can be done by updating the properties in a loop, and re-rendering the scene in each iteration of the loop. Here’s a simple example of how to animate an...
How to use light in Three.js?

How to use light in Three.js?

How to use light in Three.js? Three.js is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to create 3D animations and visualizations in the browser. To use light in Three.js, you need to create a light object and add it to the scene. Here are the steps to add light to a scene...

CSS zebra stripe logic for more than two colors

Zebra stripes are a popular design element that can be used to add visual interest and organization to tables and other elements. By default, zebra stripes are created using alternating colors of white and light gray. However, with CSS, it’s possible to create...