When it comes to real website development and big projects, it is sometimes better to use both approaches to get the desired results. So following are the media queries approach I follow to create responsive websites. /* Mobile First Approach – Smaller to Bigger...
How to redirect http:// to https:// through WordPress settings Step 1 Go to your admin panel with /wp-admin url at the end of your domain name Step 2 Login with your administrator credentials. Step 3 Go to [Settings > General] and change Site Address URL to https://...
The following layout is built with HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap (included), Font awesome 5. You can also see a loading gif icon being loaded every time the page reloads. Demo Open demo in a full window –...
The following script resizes the width of HTML’s tag dynamically according to the width of the selected option. This may be used in places where you want to customize the select tag and make it look like a dropdown select. Demo Open demo in a full window –...
Here are some responsive web design icon you can use freely anywhere in your website and web designs. I extracted them from demo images containing lines and dotted backgrounds used by stock images websites. I used Photoshop to do it.