Select Page
Select Element With Custom Arrow

Select Element With Custom Arrow

Here is a working demo of a select element with a custom arrow. You can choose any image in place of the arrow used in the demo according to your requirements. See the Pen Select Element With Custom Arrow by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on...
jQuery Validation Plugin

jQuery Validation Plugin

jQuery Validation Plugin This jQuery plugin makes simple clientside form validation easy, whilst still offering plenty of customization options. It makes a good choice if you’re building something new from scratch, but also when you’re trying to integrate something...
How to create a table structure using div

How to create a table structure using div

table structure using div Sometimes we might have a situation where we as developers have to implement table structure using <div> i.e without using actual tables. So here is an example of the same… Demo See the Pen Table structure using div by Puneet...
Simple Filter Using jQuery

Simple Filter Using jQuery

Simple Filter Using jQuery Here is a simple filter system using jQuery to hide and show the list on the left side as a user clicks on the filter. You can modify and enhance it according to your needs… Demo Open demo in a full window –...
Desktop-Only Website Structure Template

Desktop-Only Website Structure Template

Here is a desktop-only website structure template adaptive downwards till Ipad resolution of 1024px. Below this screen width, the website will scale down in size. No frameworks like bootstrap are used except jquery, jquery modal and reboot CSS to standardize...