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Animista CSS Animations

Animista CSS Animations

Home Page – Animista Animista is a place where you can play with a collection of ready-to-use CSS animations, tweak them and download only those you will actually use.
Exit Intent Popup – jQuery

Exit Intent Popup – jQuery All the Free jQuery Plugins about the ‘Exit Intent popup’ are listed here. Screenshot of the page
Text Animations with Blast JS & Velocity JS

Text Animations with Blast JS & Velocity JS

Blast JS just explodes a string and wraps up the words or characters with span or div so you can animate them individually with different timing to produce awesome text animations. I used the following method on one of my client’s projects: I used blast js to...

Fadein Effect to Web Page on Page Load

Add the following styles to your stylesheet or as internal styles and you are ready.@keyframes pageFadeIn {  from { opacity:0; }  to { opacity:1; }}@-moz-keyframes pageFadeIn {  from { opacity:0; }  to { opacity:1; }}@-webkit-keyframes pageFadeIn...