The new smarter way to solve things adopted by modern crow 😀 I was unknown about the fact that that we have two parts of the mind functioning for us every day and getting things done for us trying to solve every problem ahead of us. The two parts of the mind are the...
Freelance Economy Economy = Demand & Supply – A straight one we all know. A person in any profession will need some service and will offer some service. As humans are social animals and we all like to live in groups, we all need each other in some or other...
World-class designs with original photos and graphics available for free to all Divi customers. Divi Layout Packs Weblink –
Labels float above input form field on focus This is popular nowadays to animate labels dynamically above the input field. It feels very cool and the user gets good feedback with animating input labels. Check out the demo to get a closer look at it and also the Demo...