This script works with jQuery, so please include jQuery first. This works on mobile as well as large screens. Let a div with class “bottomnavbar” be the bottom navigation bar that you want to hide and show on page scroll. Demo Open demo in a full window...
Add this CSS style to elements you want to disable text selection and highlighting on selection. Mostly we need this on buttons and dropdown where users usually go for clicks and can accidentally select text. Check out this demo below and CSS code. DEMO Open demo in a...
A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid-width video embeds. Weblink – CDN – Responsive Youtube video
Following are the tools and methods we can use to optimize our web pages for speed and performance, SEO, HTML / JS errors, CSS errors, Images, and compressions. Page Insights – Google Page Insights... I am also using particle js on my website hero image background – My website’s hero section This looks cool on any section background where you want to tell users something about...