Category: CSS
Articles on CSS tips and tricks
CSS technique for elastic moving active background for navigations
Here is a simple CSS solution (javascript not needed here) to achieve the active state elastic animations that go from left to right during the active state of a particular nav tab. Let “.bg-elastic” is the free-moving active state element inside the nav...
Zoom everything on bigger screens – CSS Media queries
Hi, if you want to zoom your website on a bigger screen like QHD and UHD i.e > 1920px you can just use the following media queries. You can edit them according to your needs. /* Zoom everything on bigger screens */ @media (min-width:2000px) and (max-width:2399px) {...
Error: Incompatible units: ‘vw’ and ‘rem’ in SCSS to CSS compiler
Are you getting error like the screenshot below? SCSS has a built-in function to ignore things in quotes. width: unquote(” add_your_css_here “); font-size: unquote(“clamp(1.25rem, 0.5rem + 1.45vw, 26px)”); This will be compiled without the...
CSS zebra-striping in sets of three and four
Here is a simplest way to create zebra styled elements in sets of three using CSS only. DEMO See the Pen CSS zebra-striping in sets of three by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen. Effective CSS .zebraStrip > div:nth-child(6n+1), .zebraStrip >...