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Category: GSAP

GSAP is an industry standard JavaScript animation library from GreenSock that lets you craft high-performance animations that work in every major browser.

Pinned snapping without reverse snapping issue:

Pinned snapping without reverse snapping issue:

There is an issue with the snap function of the scroll trigger such that – if the user does not scroll enough as a threshold, the section has a bouncy effect and gets auto-snapped to the original position, To make forward snapping always work follow the...


Split Type – SplitType is a small javascript library that splits HTML text into elements so that lines, words, and characters can be animated independently. It was inspired by GSAP’s SplitText plugin and can be used...


Here is an example of using the GSAP library in REACT using the useGSAP Hook for seamless animation. DEMO See the Pen useGSAP by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen. import React from “”; import ReactDOM from...
Impressive rocket animation created with GSAP

Impressive rocket animation created with GSAP

Here is a very nice rocket animation that burst-ignites than gains momentum and finally slows down and stops ignition. See the Pen Rocket Animation with GSAP by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen.
Text Animation using GSAP

Text Animation using GSAP

Here are some awesome examples of text animations achieved with the help of GSAP’s split text plugin. See the Pen GSAP Text Animation by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen. See the Pen GSAP Text Animation Demos by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen....