Category: JavaScript
Posts that are JavaScript-oriented.

HTML form with detectable changes and a reset button
Let’s create an HTML form with many different types of inputs with values and a hidden submit button and a reset button. Now, create a jQuery script that detects changes in input fields, unhides the submit and reset buttons, and hides them again if there is no...
OTP HTML and Script that allows pasting
Here is a code with the demo I just found on Codepen, that handles pasting OTP also. See the Pen OTP Field by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen. HTML <body> <h1>Enter OTP</h1> <div class=”otp-field”> <input type=”text”...
Matrix rain drop 01 digit code
Here is a code with a demo for matrix raindrop-like animation from top to bottom with 0 and 1 as its digits. DEMO See the Pen Untitled by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen. HTML <canvas class=”canvas”> Code // Initialising the canvas var canvas =...