You just need to add follwing script to the if else statement in JavaScript to know that the loaded page URL has the given string. You can use it anywhere in head or body tag, on or without document load. <script> if (...
See the Pen Input field – show hide password by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen. HTML <div> <input id=”password1″ type=”password” class=””> <span class=”toggle-password”...
Variables declared in the self executing function only exists within the scope of self executing function and not outside of it. so you can decare and write code without worring of it’s effect on other blocks of code. Also this type of function is only effective...
How to know the length of the path in SVG to animate it with the stroke offset method? Well, the answer is very simple. Just use the following JavaScript and update its selector to that of the path you want to calculate the length of. Check the length value in the...