The following script can be used for web app supporting pointer events and touch events. Pointer events are DOM events that are fired for a pointing device. They are designed to create a single DOM event model to handle pointing input devices such as a mouse,...
Custom File Input Check out the following demo with code to style file input select button as a web browser do not allow to style it directly like a div element. It’s a bit of jQuery to copy the file name and display it inside label, and some CSS to hide the...
Here is a function that you can use to get the get-values from URLs and can use it to manipulate web pages on document load. get-values from URL – jQuery var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) { var sPageURL =,...
How to remove :hover on touch devices? As touch devices like mobiles and tablets do not have mouse cursors like desktops and laptops, they display a hover state whenever you touch the element. They keep on displaying the hover state even when you are not touching the...
If you want to manipulate the state of range on a web page created with jquery-mobile, you will have to trigger input “change” for UI to work in sync with the manipulated state otherwise UI will display false old state. I encountered this thing in...
toggle browser full screen mode using JavaScript The following script allows you to integrate the browser’s full-screen toggle function when you click on the button. Click the button below in the demo to view the page in the browser’s full-screen mode. You...