Why use front-end frameworks like Bootstrap 5? Front-end frameworks have become a crucial part of modern web development. They offer a set of tools and components that simplify the process of creating professional, responsive, and user-friendly websites. One of the...
Textareas are commonly used in web forms to allow users to enter multi-line text input. By default, textareas allow users to enter any character they want, including letters, numbers, symbols, and line breaks. However, in some cases, you may want to restrict the input...
We can create an HTML hidden template using the following method that we can add anywhere in the page. After creating a template we can now use it, modify it, and append/prepend it’s html anywhere in the page. <script id=”imageTemplate”...
Use the following setting to make your ckeditor’s output p tag free that is automatically included by ckeditor.whenever you start writing something. autoParagraph: false, CKEDITOR.replace(‘editor1’, { uiColor: ‘#dadada’, height: 250,...
You need to add these settings where you have initiated editor. CKEDITOR.replace(‘ckeditortextarea’, { allowedContent: true, fullPage: true, }); or by this method.. var config = CKEDITOR.replace( ‘editor1’ ); config.allowedContent = true;...