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Category: Misc

Tips, Scripts, Tools, Bookmarks, and Inspiration for Web Designers and Developers.

Advanced Custom Fields – WordPress Plugin

Advanced Custom Fields – WordPress Plugin

This WordPress plugin can be used to create advanced custom fields and attach them to post, pages, specific posts or pages, and other conditions. URL –
Smooth scroll for anchors – jQuery

Smooth scroll for anchors – jQuery

Just place this code anywhere after including jQuery library. This helps the user scroll to the ‘element’ id in href=”#element”. $(function () { /* Slide to # location with animation */ $(document).on(‘click’,...
HTML Input type to get color value

HTML Input type to get color value

Here is a very cool way to input color code using a basic HTML input tag. This may eliminate the use of a fancy jQuery color picker at a basic level 🙂 Demo Open demo in a full window – HTML <input...
How to disable CSS hovers in mobiles and touch devices

How to disable CSS hovers in mobiles and touch devices

You must have faced this issue such that the background changes on hovers on mobiles and touch devices remain hover-styled even after you have touched the screen and not touching it anymore. The simple solution to this is enclosing all hovers in the following media...