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Category: Misc

Tips, Scripts, Tools, Bookmarks, and Inspiration for Web Designers and Developers.

How to create sidebar navigation for Bootstrap 5 ?

How to create sidebar navigation for Bootstrap 5 ?

After adding CSS – Fixed left sidebar navigation Hello there, initially this was just a mental concept where I got an idea to create a fixed left-sidebar navigation for my tools site (free online web development tools)...
Why Learning HTML and CSS is Essential for Beginners?

Why Learning HTML and CSS is Essential for Beginners?

The internet has become a part of almost every aspect of our lives. It has brought many changes to make your website more attractive and delicate; these changes include text-based websites adding pictures and videos. But behind all websites and web applications, there...
Does Google Adsense work well with Cloudflare?

Does Google Adsense work well with Cloudflare?

Google AdSense with Cloudflare Cache Everything Compliments each other Today, I researched this thing over the internet and saw many people who have the same doubt who are using Cloudflare’s cache (cache everything setting). I had the basic idea that it should...
How to style an anchor tag with no href attribute?

How to style an anchor tag with no href attribute?

style anchor tag with no href attribute In website development, we often come across anchors/link tags that do not have an ‘href’ attribute. This may be due to many reasons like the anchor is used just for a dropdown, or initiation of a modal, and does not...
Webpage redirect using JavaScript

Webpage redirect using JavaScript

Webpage redirects are the simplest but widely used functions in website development. Here are simple one-liner scripts that you can use on your web page if you want it to automatically redirect to another location or web page using JavaScript. The two ways to do it is...
Box-Sizing – CSS

Box-Sizing – CSS

CSS Box-Sizing This is probably the most important concept for any web designer working with CSS. And it also seems confusing in beginning but is very simple to understand once we try it practically. Content-Box The default value of ‘box-sizing’ is...