Category: React
Posts related to REACT JS – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
React Hooks: useEffect
Here is a simple counter increase decrease example for React Hook – useEffect. useEffect runs at lease once and everytime dependency array changes when the component is loaded or mounted. See the Pen Codepen React Starter Template with Babel Transpiler by Puneet...Codepen React Starter Template with Babel Transpiler
Here is a simple program coded using REACT features in Codepen with the help of external react libraries and Codepen’s Babel Transpiler. HTML JS (Babel) import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from ‘[email protected]’ import ReactDOM...Commonly used hooks in React
Some of the commonly used hooks in React are: useState: This hook is used to manage state in functional components. It takes an initial value as an argument and returns an array with the current state value and a function to update the state. useEffect: This hook...
Props vs State in REACT Components
Here is an image that lists differences between props and state in REACT Components.