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Primary Colors

Colors which are unique, we can mix these colors to produce all other colors.

Primary Colors

Hue, Saturation & Lightness / Brightness

hue, saturation, lightness / brightness

Psychology of colors

Color – Red

Represents passion, love

Use of red color in a website
Use of red color in a website
Use of red color in a website
Use of red color in a website

Color – Blue

Represents – Intelligence, trust, security, communication

Use of blue color in a website
Use of blue color in a website

Color – Orange

Gives a very friendly vibe of happiness, joy, warmth, success and confidence. Color is near to the sunset.

Use of orange color in a website
Use of orange color in a website

Color – Green

Color of nature, health, diet, health, peacefulness, growth, money, button-color

Use of green color in a website
Use of green color in a website

Black – Color

Represents – Classiness, power, luxury, expensive, feeling of sophistication

Use of black color in a website
Use of black color in a website

White Color

Represents – pure, innocent, safe and clean

Use of white color in a website
Use of white color in a website

You can try this cool color picker tool to choose colors for your website –

Credit / Demo Video