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Today I created a very cool dropdown for my WordPress blog’s tag cloud widget. Initially, it took full height with lots of tag links inside it but that did not seem great to be concerning user experience.

So I just created and this cool piece of jQuery and CSS code to make it functional just like a dropdown. So now only when I need to see all the tags I just click the title and it drops down to its full height allowing me to have a look at all the tags. I have also added a extend to full height on hover functionality that provides a great value on desktops. Saved me a lot of space there 🙂


You can just check the right-top sidebar section for the tag cloud dropdown. Here are some screenshots:

Dropdown functionality for WordPress tag cloud widget
Tag cloud dropdown functionality for WordPress widget
Tag cloud dropdown for WordPress widget - opened state
Tag cloud dropdown for WordPress widget – opened state

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  • How to create a dropdown for WordPress widget tag cloud?
  • How to create jQuery dropdown for WordPress widget?