Site icon Puneet Sharma – Freelance Web Developer

Getting back to freelancing after creating tools

tools for web developers

tools for web developers

So here’s my freelance log for today. After more than one month of lockdown and staying at home in Shimla. I had this idea of creating tools that will help me during my coding sessions. I have created almost 16+ tools till now and have uploaded them to – . I will be adding more tools in the future that make web development tasks a bit easier, creative, and fun. I hope web developers all over the world will find these tools useful and will opt for them in their daily work lives.

After not touching freelance work for over a month now I am returning to it and will start sending proposals to job posts on Upwork. If you are reading this post and you are a web developer too. I suggest you go through these tools and check if they work out for you – . They contain tools for HTML, CSS, JS, Image, Difference Checker, and Color Pickers.

Getting back to freelance jobs now. Cheers!

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