Select Page

In the example provided, you’ll learn how to implement external search, row count per page selector, export buttons, pagination, and other similar functionalities in your data tables. By following this method, you will gain full control over how to display search, buttons, and pagination in your data tables. The example makes use of Bootstrap 5 for dropdowns and buttons, but it can easily be adapted to use any other framework or custom styles that you prefer.

By taking the search, buttons, and pagination out of the jQuery data tables, you have more flexibility in designing the look and feel of these elements to better match your website’s overall design. Moreover, by using external tools, you can keep the data table code cleaner and more organized, leading to a more maintainable and efficient codebase. So, if you’re looking to have more control over the display of search, buttons, and pagination in your data tables, then this example is definitely worth checking out.

See the Pen How to use external search, pagination and download buttons ? by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on CodePen.