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Success for me!

Success is different for different people. I think we feel successful when we create a direction for ourselves and meet desired checkpoints that confirm that we are in the right direction. So I guess it is a progressive realization of accomplishing pre-intended goals.

I am a freelance web developer by profession and also like to create blogs on topics related to web development as I encounter hurdles so somebody who came on the net for the same problem can figure it out their way. I absolutely enjoy it when I solve my client’s problems. I also enjoy going out in the local market alone or with friends and observing the beauty of nature and the people around me. I like to be financially free too where I am in command of situations around me and have plenty of resources to get contented with.

A person can be successful at one thing and failure at another. This is a fact that a person can choose a direction that might lead to complete ignoring of the other one. But this is something everybody needs to deal with. We can not get everything all at once but we can control ourselves by making it balanced so we are always in a place where we can realize that is the current direction important to go on or am I going out of addiction or compulsion.

Let me know what success is for you 🙂 Thanks!