Tag: jQuery
Simple Filter Using jQuery Here is a simple filter system using jQuery to hide and show the list on the left side as a user clicks on the filter. You can modify and enhance it according to your needs… Demo Open demo in a full window –...
Flip and Click Cards Here is an HTML template with a demo for flip and click cards. I have used jQuery for the active state and worked on CSS to transform rotate the card. After rotation user can see the associated text can click on it to go to the associated URL....
Custom File Input Check out the following demo with code to style file input select button as a web browser do not allow to style it directly like a div element. It’s a bit of jQuery to copy the file name and display it inside label, and some CSS to hide the...
Here is a function that you can use to get the get-values from URLs and can use it to manipulate web pages on document load. get-values from URL – jQuery var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) { var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1),...