Tag: jQuery
How to prevent form from submission if user has not gone through Google ReCapcha ?jQuery(document).ready(function(j){ jQ(‘#formid’).submit(function(e) { var recaptcha = j(“#g-recaptcha-response”).val(); if ( recaptcha === “” )...
Div Anchors Using onclick inline javascript to a location can make a div act like an anchor. <div onclick=”location.href=’url'”>content</div> jQuery: $(“div”).click(function(){...
This script works with jQuery, so please include jQuery first. This works on mobile as well as large screens. Let a div with class “bottomnavbar” be the bottom navigation bar that you want to hide and show on page scroll. Demo Open demo in a full window...
To release $ that jQuery also uses us jQuery noConflict() Method $.noConflict();jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(“button”).click(function(){ jQuery(“p”).text(“jQuery is still working!”); });}); var jq =...
Screenshot of the demo below I think this is a new trend for HTML forms most websites have been following for the last couple of years now. It looks amazing seeing labels animating and changing their position to the top of the input and staying itself there when input...