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Tag: Placeholder

Float input labels with :placeholder shown

Float input labels with :placeholder shown

Labels float above input form field on focus This is popular nowadays to animate labels dynamically above the input field. It feels very cool and the user gets good feedback with animating input labels. Check out the demo to get a closer look at it and also the Demo...
Placeholder Image with custom background

Placeholder Image with custom background

Customizable Image Placeholder Tool This is the lightest way to include placeholder images in HTML pages. All images are fully optimized Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and can be customized to any size or color as need. A short label can also be added to images to...
Input Placeholder CSS

Input Placeholder CSS

Input Placeholder This css snippets can be used to style placeholders of entire website or any form element ::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */  color: pink;}::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */  color: pink;}:-ms-input-placeholder { /*...
Input ::placeholder Style

Input ::placeholder Style

::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Chrome/Opera/Safari / color: pink; } ::-moz-placeholder { / Firefox 19+ / color: pink; } :-ms-input-placeholder { / IE 10+ / color: pink; } :-moz-placeholder { / Firefox 18- */ color: pink; } More info...