Select Page

Tag: select

Make select tag width equal to the selected option

Make select tag width equal to the selected option

The following script resizes the width of HTML’s tag dynamically according to the width of the selected option. This may be used in places where you want to customize the select tag and make it look like a dropdown select. Demo Open demo in a full window –...
How to create a custom select menu?

How to create a custom select menu?

I have been into many situations while converting designs to HTML where designs demanded a custom select menu. There is a simple solution to this by W3Schools. You can copy and modify what’s needed without getting deep down to the basics and mechanism. DEMO See...
Select Element With Custom Arrow

Select Element With Custom Arrow

Here is a working demo of a select element with a custom arrow. You can choose any image in place of the arrow used in the demo according to your requirements. See the Pen Select Element With Custom Arrow by Puneet Sharma (@webdevpuneet) on...