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Best free online tools for web designers and developers

Web Tools are a collection of free online productivity tools curated for web developers. Tools not only help us with our work by making it simple but also help us understand concepts more clearly as they are interactive.

Here are few direct links to the tools that you can quickly view in a new tab and bookmark whatever you feel helpful for later use. Bookmarking or saving online tools helps recall or open them much faster and we become more productive at work.

Difference Checker

Text/Code Difference Checker

Tool Link –

With the difference checker tool, you can compare the differences between two versions of text or code faster.

The best Color Picker tool for web designers and developers

Advanced Color Picker

Tool Link –

With the color picker tool, you can select colors and also create color schemes for your websites and web apps. More color pickers (image color picker and popular colors – coming soon) will also be added in the future.

CSS Box Shadow Editor

CSS Box Shadow Generator

Tool Link –

With the CSS box-shadow generator, you can create amazing CSS3 based box-shadow effects. You can also create multilevel box shadows to get that real shadow effect with two or more light sources.

CSS Text Shadow Editor - Best tool to create custom text shadows

CSS Text Shadow Generator

Tool Link –

With CSS text-shadow generator, you can create amazing CSS3 based text-shadow effects to grab user attention. You can also create multi-level text shadows with this amazing tool that gives a real depth to the text.

CSS Gradient Generator

Tool Link –

With CSS Gradient Generator, you can generate simple linear to complex radial CSS background gradients. This tool not only creates CSS files but also image files for gradient backgrounds that you can use directly in your CSS as background-image. CSS gradients are recommended though for better page speeds and responsiveness.

CSS Animated Gradient Generator Tool

CSS Animated Gradient Generator

Tool Link –

With CSS Animated Gradient Generator, you can create those cool dreamy backgrounds to grab user attention. You can create gradients with your own choice of color and can use as many colors as you want.

CSS Easing Function Generator

CSS Easing Function Generator

Tool Link –

With a CSS easing function generator, you can create a pre-made easing function for animations and also customize it to your own needs to get that unique and professional effect on your CSS transitions and animations.

Online Image Resizer & Compressor Tool

Image Resizer & Compressor

Tool Link –

With the image resizer & compressor tool, you can resize and compress your images for web use to make them load faster on your websites. The images are compressed in your browser and not uploaded to the server, so it’s very safe to resize and compress even personal images with this tool.

Image to Base64 Converter

Image to Base64 Converter

Tool Link –

With Image to Base64 Converter, you can convert an image file to base64 format for web use. You can use this code in HTML as well as CSS files, where you do not want to call images directly.

Online CSS Autoprefixer Tool

CSS Autoprefixer

Tool Link –

With CSS Autoprefixer, you can add desired vendor prefixes automatically for better cross-browser compatibility. It simply relaxes you with the headache of typing codes for every browser. So now you can just focus upon the main creative part and leave the cross-browser support work on this tool.

HTML/CSS/JavaScript Minifier

HTML / CSS / JavaScript Minify

Tool Link –

With the code minify tool, you can reduce the size of your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes for good website speeds. It neglects all spaces and newlines and reduces file size for better file download speeds and faster websites.

Online JavaScript Minify/Uglify Tool

JavaScript Minify/Uglify

Tool Link –

With Uglify JS tool, you can uglify and minify JavaScript codes for great web page speeds and code logic theft protection. This modification technique makes JavaScript files much lighter in size than neglecting spaces only. It also makes your javaScript code logic much difficult to read and understand for public users who can just copy the code and replicate the logic. Much recommended tool to create JavaScript files ready for production use.

HTML, CSS, JS Beautifiers

HTML, CSS, JS Beautifiers

With the Beautifier tool, you can beautify your untidy HTML, CSS, JS codes for clean and easy coding. This tool is really helpful when you come across codes that are messy and not beautifully indented for clear understanding.

Bookmark these tools and stay tuned for more as more helpful tools will be added in the future. Also please share them with your friends and colleagues who may find them useful. Thank you 🙂