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Category: Misc

Tips, Scripts, Tools, Bookmarks, and Inspiration for Web Designers and Developers.

Success for me!

Success for me!

Success is different for different people. I think we feel successful when we create a direction for ourselves and meet desired checkpoints that confirm that we are in the right direction. So I guess it is a progressive realization of accomplishing pre-intended goals....
Photoshop not opening image file – Error Solved

Photoshop not opening image file – Error Solved

Photoshop not opening image file – Error SolvedPhotoshop not opening image file – Error Solved This is a strange problem I faced when one of my clients use to send me images through the Microsoft Teams App. The images seem to open fine in a photo viewer...
Best Media Queries for Responsive Web Design

Best Media Queries for Responsive Web Design

The following breakpoints and media queries are originally taken from the Bootstrap 5 website, so they can be used by anyone in common with or without using including the Bootstrap 5 framework. Bootstrap (Front-end framework b Twitter) has been consistently developing...