Category: UI Components
UI Components
An organization chart, also known as an org chart or organizational chart, is a graphical representation of a company’s structure, showing the hierarchy of positions and the relationships between them. It is an essential tool for communicating the reporting...
UI Components
DataTables is a popular JavaScript library used to create dynamic and interactive tables for web applications. One of the most commonly used features in DataTables is the ability to select and manipulate multiple rows. Here is a demo with scripts used to create a...
UI Components
Date range picker Date Range Picker is a JavaScript component that provides a simple way for users to choose date ranges, dates, and times. This tool is perfect for booking systems, calendars, scheduling applications, and any other web application that requires users...
jQuery, UI Components
In the example provided, you’ll learn how to implement external search, row count per page selector, export buttons, pagination, and other similar functionalities in your data tables. By following this method, you will gain full control over how to display...
Misc, UI Components
Why use front-end frameworks like Bootstrap 5? Front-end frameworks have become a crucial part of modern web development. They offer a set of tools and components that simplify the process of creating professional, responsive, and user-friendly websites. One of the...
UI Components
Hey guys, today I experimented with Google charts and found out this unique thing about this great library by Google. Screenshot of Google chart / Check demo below The most coolest part of this library is that it created charts that are built with SVG and not Canvas...