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Feed Notifier - Chrome plugin for Upwork instant Job feed notifications
Feed Notifier Chrome Plugin

Hello guys, I’ve been using this cool little extension for chrome i.e “Feed Notifier” that enables me to check Upwork new job feed updates instantly. it has increased my productivity by far. You can keep it according to your preferences with a minimum of one minute refresh time.

Why am I using it?

I am using it because it gives a notification sound after every 5 minutes for new job posts. It alerts me even when I am not actively looking for a job.

How is it is beneficial for a freelancer?

Waiting for the Upwork job post feed to show up “load new job post” for new job posts can get a little boring and distracting with time. But while using the feed notifier you can do anything between the notification alerts.

Plugin URL


Upwork Job Post Feed URL
Upwork Job Post Feed URL
Feed Notifier - feed dropdown - latest 10 job posts
Feed Notifier – feed dropdown – latest 10 job posts
Feed Notifier - Settings
Feed Notifier – Settings